CEO Tim Cook says Apple will unveil plans for AI later this year

CEO Tim Cook says Apple will unveil plans for AI later this year

In a recent call with shareholders, Cook mentioned that Apple will share more about its AI plans later this year. Additionally, he discussed the Mac, stating that there is no computer in the market better suited for AI.

Cook mentioned that Apple sees amazing potential for breakthroughs in generative AI. That's why the company is investing a lot in this field. They believe it will open up exciting opportunities for users in terms of productivity, problem-solving, and more.

Apple has been slower to introduce generative AI, which can create responses similar to human ones, compared to competitors like Microsoft and Google's Alphabet, who are incorporating them into their products.

On Wednesday, Cook explained that AI is already functioning in the background of Apple's products. However, he mentioned that there will be more information about specific AI features later this year. Bloomberg had earlier stated that Apple intends to use AI to enhance the capability to search through data stored on Apple devices.

Cook stated that every Mac running on Apple silicon is an incredibly capable AI machine. In fact, he emphasized that there is currently no better computer for AI available in the market.

On Wednesday, Apple shareholders turned down a proposal urging the company to provide more details about its use of artificial intelligence in business and its ethical guidelines for the technology.

The suggestion, presented by the AFL-CIO pension trust, received substantial backing, securing 37.5 percent of the votes cast.

Brandon Reese, the AFL-CIO's deputy director for corporations and capital markets, said, "Apple has been slower than other major technology companies to disclose ethical guidelines for the use of artificial intelligence. We expect Apple to improve its disclosure practices on this important matter. It is published for the benefit of investors and other stakeholders."

A comparable suggestion will be considered at Walt Disney's yearly meeting in April.

At Apple, AFL-CIO requested a report on how the company uses AI in its business operations and urged the disclosure of any ethical guidelines adopted for the use of AI technology.

In the supporting statement found in Apple's proxy materials, AFL-CIO stated, "AI systems shouldn't be trained using copyrighted works or the voices, appearances, and performances of professional performers without transparency, consent, and compensation to creators and rights holders."

Apple objected to the proposal, arguing that revealing such information could give away its strategy while competing with rivals in the rapidly evolving AI industry.

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